
Around 1350 the Perugians built the Casserum Parvo or the Casseretto which was a small fortress inside the larger Cassero fortress together with the Cassero tower, probably by using previous constructions. The Caseretto was the last defensive bulwark of the town and one can imagine how impressive the building was at the time by the remains of the surrounding high walls that are present today. There was a well built inside so the inhabitants were self-sufficient from a water point-of-view and it was also was an advantage if there were lengthy sieges. Outside the tower one can see the opening that allowed access to the terraces and there are several loopholes, whilst on the inside there are visible holes where there were originally shelves that supported the wooden galleries. The staircase that gives access to the first floor was built much later and dates back to the XVIII century. The bell was also added in the 1800’s together with the structure that holds it up. Due to the internal dimensions one could imagine that it could have been used as a residence and it would also seem that during the Middle Ages it was used as a prison. A large number of majolica and glazed pottery remains have been found during the excavations and this would perhaps suggest that in this area of town there were artisans producing such items.

Cassero Area

The Cassero complex dominates the whole of the Valdichiana and still conserves the original characteristics and charm of a Medieval stronghold. Its unequivocal profile makes it a landmark on the Castiglion Fiorentino skyline.

Already in the VIII century village huts covered the entire hill that later was encircled by a city wall defending the ancient Etruscan acropolis of Oppidum. In the centre was the splendid temple from the V century that came to light in the archaeological excavations that took place from 1980’s onwards.

The Cassero as it is today, is a result of various transformations that have taken place from XI century when the area became the seat of a castle that controlled the ancient and very important road networks which were a long way from the marsh land but near enough to take advantage of the huge fish resources.


Via del Tribunale, 8 – 52043 Castiglion Fiorentino (AR)

(0039) 0575 659457



The Castiglion Fiorentino Museum System presents a wide range and allows visitors to appreciate the area of Cassero, with the square and the homonymous fourteenth-century tower, the Underground Archaeological path and the Archaeological Museum with Etruscan artifactsOld Fund and the Art Gallery. Thanks to the Recent Posts, the Castiglion Fiorentino Museums can boast a UPDATED and efficient set-up, A very advanced multimedia level and it allows user to enjoy the exhibits. The Castiglion Fiorentino Museums are open to the public from Friday to Sunday, always with free admission.

Summer opening hours from 1st July to 30th September.
Monday: closed.
Tuesday: in the morning from 10:00 to 12:30, in the afternoon from 15:30 to 18:00.
Wednesday: in the morning from 10:00 to 12:30, closed in the afternoon.
Thursday, Friday, Saturday and Sunday: in the morning from 10:00 to 12:30, in the afternoon from 15:30 to 19:00.
Winter Timetable:
From 1 October to 30 June: from Friday to Sunday from 10.00 to 12.30 and from 15.30 to 18.00.